Early Learning Center

Margo Cook
Winner of the Association of Christian Early Educator’s National Christian Director of the Year Award for 2024!
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The Spring of Life Early Learning Center is an extension of the church's Children's Ministry and exists to grow fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by offering developmentally appropriate education.
This appropriate education helps children develop physically, cognitively, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
Our goal at Spring of Life ELC is to provide a loving, Christ-centered, educational environment for your child.
Our staff is highly-trained, loves the Lord and is passionate about children and their learning.
Teachers focus on making preschool fun and offer many hands on experiences for learning.
The Early Learning Center is one of many ways Spring of Life United Methodist Church is seeking to reach our community with the love of Christ.
Spring of Life seeks to reach community with our faith to our baptismal vows to "surround our children with a community of love and forgiveness that by our teaching and example they may be guided to accept God's grace for themselves, profess their faith openly, and lead a Christian life."