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Support Our Mission Partners * Donate Below *

  • UMCOR - Disaster Relief

    UMCOR stands for United Methodist Committee On Relief. This ministry focuses primarily on short-term and long-term disaster recovery worldwide, often through local churches in the affected areas.

  • United Agaist Poverty

    United Against Poverty’s purpose is to inspire and empower people living in poverty to lift themselves and their families to economic self-sufficiency.

  • Residing Hope

    Residing Hope is a multi-faceted organization serving children who have experienced trauma, abuse, and neglect. In addition to providing a higher level of therapeutic residential care in two locations, they also provide foster care and outpatient counseling in counties across the state of Florida.

  • Wesley at UCF

    Wesley at UCF is a United Methodist campus ministry for college students. Students engaged in their ministry are invited to serve others, grow in their faith, and build community.