How do we as followers of Jesus Christ make sense of a world full of political polarization, conflict, and violence?
Thinking theologically is an incredible gift God has given us to step out of other narratives allowing the values of the gospel to shape our thinking and our actions.
Thinking Theologically about the News
Orlando-area Church Protests
In the simplest terms, Christians are interrupting the worship of other Christians. This situation reveals how deeply polarized we have become even as faith communities with different values. I know all of the people involved would say “Jesus is Lord” and we are following Jesus in really different ways. For me it raises questions like, “who is more faithfully following God? or who wins the confrontation?” I would say that no one wins when worship is being interrupted, no one wins when a pastor is prevented from entering the church he pastors. No one wins when Christians duke it out in the comment section on social media or leave one star google reviews for another church. Our Christian witness for people far from God comes at the expense of all this fighting.
Anti-Christian Bias
This executive order seeks to prevent bias not persecution. Bias is “prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.” Some would say there is pro Christian bias while others would contend the opposite is true. I don’t claim to be a referee, but I think we all see how different Christian communities are responding to this political moment.
3 United Methodists Killed in Nigeria
This tragedy is a failure of witness for the church. When the church fails we as Christians need to resist the temptation to sweep it under the rug and instead own it. The best way I know how to respond to failure is through confession and pardon.
Reflecting on the Election Results
Amendment 4 is a ballot measure inviting Florida voters to choose how we handle the question of abortion in our state. This is a complex issue that is difficult to distill into a simple yes or no vote.
Voting Our Values on Amendment 4
Amendment 4 is a ballot measure inviting Florida voters to choose how we handle the question of abortion in our state. This is a complex issue that is difficult to distill into a simple yes or no vote.
The Shadow of Violence
Perpetrators of violence allow themselves to be separated from who God created them to be. The increase of political violence we are seeing in our country deepens polarization, further separating us from people on the other side of the political aisle, making it harder to see our shared humanity. As people of faith, how do we respond when confronted with violence?