Reflecting on the Election Results
This week I heard a wide range of responses to the news that Donald Trump will become president in 2025. I invite us to reflect theologically in two ways as we all process this news.
First, what is our theology of democracy? As United Methodists we affirm the concept of human free will. This means that God has given each person the dignity of choice. The gift of choice can be used constructively or destructively. So when I hear someone say, “the president is God’s chosen leader” I take a moment to pause and reflect. Some Christians would affirm, if anything happened, it was because God willed it. I would contend, democracy is an act of cumulative free will. Each person uses their free will and whoever has the most votes wins. This means that God does not elect presidents, we do as voters.
Second, I want to acknowledge, this election cycle has and continues to evoke deep emotions. I spent time this week with people in our community who are feeling anxious, hurt, and uncertain about the future. I invite you to take a moment and think about people you know, put yourself in their shoes. How do you think a recent immigrant is feeling this week? How is the single mom whose rent went up 300 dollars in the last two years feeling? How is the female leader who has confronted too much sexism feeling? How is the black woman who obeyed God’s call to fight racism feeling? How is the retiree who can barely afford to pay his bills feeling? How is the queer teen feeling?
I recognize people are feeling a lot of different emotions and responding in many different ways to the election results. People are feeling everything from optimism to fear, while many others simply shrug their shoulders because they don’t know how to feel or just don’t have the energy. I invite us to be sensitive, willing to listen, and quick to offer support. As you love your neighbor in this way, I invite you to remember the witness of Christ who drew near to the vulnerable throughout his ministry. Who are the vulnerable people of our time Christ calls us to move towards? We know that Christ is Lord and as members of the Spring of Life community I challenge each of us to live under the Lordship of Christ in every aspect of our lives, always following in the footsteps of Jesus.
I invite you to think about one other group of people right now. They are people you and I both know. People who grew up in the church and have now found themselves far from God. The process and results of the past few elections further amplify their sense of disillusionment. They see a disconnect between people who profess Christ while supporting policies and leaders who act in ways that do not align with the values of Christ. I know we all share the value of reaching people far from God with the good news of Jesus Christ. This is a topic we will have to wrestle with if we are serious about evangelism. I don’t have an answer, but I do think we need to listen to our neighbors who are asking hard questions.
Wherever you find yourself on the emotional spectrum. I want you to know that there is space for you to be loved and heard. As your pastor, I want to support you. My email is and I hope you will reach out. I pray we can be courageous people who are willing to lean into difficult conversations that are much needed. I pray we can strive for a peace that isn’t merely conflict buried beneath the surface but is the peace manifested by the presence of shared values that lead to actions which draw us all closer to the Kingdom of God.