3 United Methodists Killed in Nigeria
In the last week we received news that three united methodists in northern Nigeria were killed through violent conflict with global methodists. Gun fire and arson have no place in the kingdom of God. This is a tragedy that was condemned by bishops in both churches. Their conflict centered on how the church ministers to and with gay people. If you’d like to learn more, read this thorough article from United Methodist News.
This tragedy is a failure of witness for the church. When the church fails we as Christians need to resist the temptation to sweep it under the rug and instead own it. The best way I know how to respond to failure is through confession and pardon. Confession simply means naming the truth of what happened and why it was wrong. It is wrong for Christians to kill. The bible clearly teaches, “thou shalt not kill.” These actions are clearly sin and the bishops involved are calling for people to repent.
Pardon takes us to the heart of grace. Your worst action is not what defines you. If we repent, there is grace even along with the consequences. Leaders have called for the perpetrators of violence to be brought to justice as part of the process of repentance and healing so the church can move forward. I lament when Christian people get it wrong and I have hope we can all do better in the future because of how God’s grace works through the process of confession and pardon.